Wednesday, September 20, 2006

OBE Course of study - Assessment problems with scale
of achievement

The Science Teachers Association of Western Australia
(STAWA) conducted a survey of it's members regarding
the OBE Courses of Study for the Sciences.

On of the most damning statisitcs is that the teachers surveyed
had major problems with the scales of achievement and their
lack of clarity.

In other words students cannot be assessed accurately using
the ill-concieved "scale of achievement".

From :

"Assessment and Scales of Achievement


When asked about whether the Scales of Achievement are clear,
the majority of respondents indicated that they are not. The
breakdown of responses by Course of Study is presented in Figure 7.

Figure 7: Proportion of respondents answering ’yes’ and ‘no’
to the question: ‘Are the Scales of Achievement clear?’."


Anonymous said...

I'm not a STAWA member but I am a science teacher and I would have been one of the "no" voters.
The scales or indicators of achievement were pathetic and whoever wrote them is a brain dead moron.
OBE in WA is a joke and in ten years time when our kids have spent six years at uni doing a three year degree (After we waste two years of their time doing the courses of study)I'll bet they won't be laughing.

Anonymous said...

I've never filled in any postive feedback for the courses of study.
I would have voted no as well.
The indicators are ridiculous and the course itself is amateurish, obviously written at the last minute with little regard for the students or teachers.
Don't even get me started on the lack of a proper syllabus.
OBE Stinks