Friday, July 27, 2007

The lunatics have taken over the Asylum - OBE Physics in the UK.

Read this sorry tale about the state of science education in the UK.
A Physics teacher named Wellington Grey has put on open post on his blog to AQA (The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance, the UK equivalent of the Curriculum council) and the
Department of Education in the UK asking for his subject back.
The UK introduced Outcomes Based Education way back in the late 1980's and it appears to have corrupted education to a state that is almost beyong repair.
OBE in the UK is quite possibly what OBE in WA will resemble in 5 - 10 years time.

Wellington was also good enough to publish a sample exam that OBE examiners may find of interest.
Needless to say I wish him all the best in his quest against the lunacy of dealing with an education bureaucracy gone insane.