Friday, September 15, 2006

Apologies to the original concept artist who came up with the campaign pictures on the WA governments attempt to mislead the public on the benefits of the OBE style Courses of Study.
Ye Gods - Imagine Lil teaching a class! She'd probably spend all lesson mumbling "Google it".
Outcomes Based Education will be the destruction of education in Australia and the WA government is spending thousands of dollars in advertising saying the exact opposite.
It really must have hurt Ljiljanna and her flunkies in the Curriculum Council when the report they had commissioned to find the benefits of OBE came back to say that the levels produced
by OBE were as good as useless.
So firstly the taxpayer pays for the report then pays for the propaganda to ignore the reports finding.
The only thing that Ljiljanna Ravlich does better than "dumb down" education is waste money on dumbing down education.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The campaign you are lampooning is called "imagine the possibilities..." run by the DET of how OBE will supposedly improve education in WA.

Here's a few more things that we might imagine...

The legitimate concerns of experienced teachers were politely and genuinely acknowledged.

District offices ran professional development courses that met the needs of teachers and not the bureaucracy.

Consultation processes were real and constructive.

The managerial virus that is currently creating a malaise in our profession was found to be treatable.

The edubabble that currently passes for erudition was wiped from the lexicon of education.