Monday, November 06, 2006

OBE in WA a political shambles - Principal with principles

Outcomes based education in Western Australia was under attack this time from a Catholic Principal.
Brian Maher of Mazenod College in Perth has told parents that the bungled bid to implement OBE in 2007 had left teachers extremely frustrated and turned students into political footballs.
"The shambles of OBE and courses of study can, in my view, only be described as politically cynical," Father Maher said. "We must never allow our children to be sacrificed on the altar of ideological or political theory."

The Principal of Sacred Heart College, Ian Eider is similarly unimpressed with the OBE system and is considering changing his school to the International Baccalaureate. He believed the WA curriculum had been diluted in lower secondary school and the IB was a worthwhile alternative. "And we are still unclear on where we are going with the new courses of study (in Years 11 and 12)"

From The West Australian 1/11/06

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