Saturday, May 26, 2007

OBE in WA - Guilty as Charged

One of the first acts of the new minister of education, Mark McGowan, in January of 2007 was to implement "Teacher Juries" to decide on the readiness of the new OBE style courses of study that were set to be introduced in January 2008.
I must admit that I thought, very cynically, that the juries would be made up of the very small percentage of teachers who were vocal supporters of OBE.
As it turns out the juries were neutral and have voted that all the courses of study are not ready (in fact fundmantally flawed) and will be delayed until at lest 2009.
The ABC new described OBE as a failed philosophy which is a fairly apt description of OBE in WA if you were to ask any teacher in the state.
In short, The Curriculum Council has designed 50 OBE courses, eight of which have been implemented, including English. But the decisions of the teacher juries mean just 19 will be in place when school starts next year.
Most of the courses that will be implemented in 2008 have no TEE course that is comparable, hence teachers would have nothing to compare it with.