Friday, March 09, 2007

OBE music hits sour note.

The curriculum council of WA have decided that the OBE music exam will allow students who cannot read music will have the option of answering exam questions using storyboards instead of musical notation so they are not disadvantaged (1).
This step pretty much typifies everything that is wrong with OBE.
Reading music is a skill that takes years to develop. Students have to work exceedingly hard to master this skill and now the students who have chosen to pursue their education in music are suddenly being told that this skill is not essential.
This is, of course, total lunacy. Allowing a student to graduate from a music course without them being able to read the language of music is like allowing a student to graduate from a french course without being able to read or write in French.
And yet OBE supporters still claim that OBE is not responsible for "dumbing down" educaion or lowering standards.
What is the next step?
Mathematics exams where students don’t need to be able to add or multiply?
Chemistry papers where chemical equations are no longer used?
Geography exams where mapping skills are no longer required?
I wouldn’t be surprised as it seems that once again the lunatics have taken of the asylum that education in WA has become.